Wednesday, 2 May 2012

The Council Estate Slag

I've done too much,
Much too young,
'Cause I'm married with a kid when I should be having fun.
You see,
I’ve got more going on up here,
Than you’ll have in your life
Because I’m more than a slag and I’m more than a wife!
I’m a scholar,
I’m a saint,
I’m a snake with frigging tits.
I’d sell me own Grammother, I’d chop a into tiny bits,
To get more money
To buy more drugs
To commit more crimes
To feed the kids that I love
AND I. do. love. them!
More than life it’self and I probably shouldn’t of had them cause I can barely look after myself.
But I’m here and its now and it’s certainly not a dream
And when I’m lying in bed...
Aye, Aye - I do want to scream
Because the Teletubbies are not much conversation for a twenty year old bride,
And the last time I had an adult conversation; I’ll be frank, I nearly cried.
And I know your probably wondering
Well where’s the bloody man?
And I promise you, I’ve got one,
And if you see him,
Would you let him know where I am!!
He’s no doubt back in Sunderland,
Living with his Mam.
Living the ‘hard done by’ life style just minus the fucking pram!
I know you want to judge me!
And you want to challenge what I’ve done
Cause without any maternal instinct, how can I be a good Mam?
But when they handed me my babbies,
Covered in me own muck
They were like angles just born from a garbage truck!
And I’m lonely and frightened and I’m clamming for shag
Because the doors are always open,
When your council estate slag!

Jessica Johnson Age 20

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